Matcha - What you need to know

Matcha comes from the same plant as green tea, but it’s made from the entire leaf, so it packs in a more concentrated amount of antioxidants.

Studies have revealed a variety of health benefits associated with Matcha and its components, ranging from enhancing weight loss to decreasing the risk of heart disease.

Best of all, the tea is simple to prepare and you can also bake with Matcha!

What is Matcha?

Matcha is a powder that is made of 100 percent pure green tea leaves. It all starts with beautiful high-quality tea leaves from the Camellia Sinensis plant. These tea plants are grown in the sun, and then the farmers cover the leaves, protecting and shading them from the sun in the last stages of their growth. Providing shade is one of the things that makes matcha unique from regular green tea leaves that are brewed, as well as what makes it better for you, due to the shade growing technique causing increases in the leaves amino acids. The leaves are then handpicked and the stems of the plant are removed. The leaves are then stone-ground into a fine powder that is vibrant bright green, rich in earthy tea flavor, and dissolves beautifully into hot water or milk.

- Matchame

Why is Matcha so popular?

Matcha is a great way to add some super boosted health benefits to your body, it tastes delicious, and it’s relatively easy to prepare.

health benefits

Matcha has an amazingly high antioxidant level. A study by Tufts University showed that its antioxidant rating was 1573 units compared to blueberry (93) and broccoli (31).

Matcha also contains a unique type of antioxidant class known as catechins – especially EGCgs. This particular catechin defends against free radicals which can damage cell DNA.

Matcha has been linked to a number of health benefits including:

  • Increases weight loss

  • Lowers cholesterol and blood pressure

  • Enhances memory and cognition

  • Contains cancer-fighting antioxidants

  • Detoxification

  • Boosts immune system function

  • Increases energy levels

  • Improves brains functioning

  • Improves skin health and appearance

  • Improves physical endurance

easy to prepare

Add 1 teaspoon of Matcha powder to a cup, add in about 10ml of cool water.
Whisk together to remove lumps.
Add in 40-50ml of hot water and whisk until slightly frothy.


**Why do I need to add cold water and then hot water?
Matcha can become bitter when it is overheated. By using cool water to get any lumps out first, and then adding hot water you can reduce the chance of it being bitter.


Matcha has about 3 times more caffeine than your normal cup of tea but in contrast to coffee, the caffeine releases slowly in your body.


Matcha is a natural green colorant for smoothies, smoothie bowls, cookies, and cakes. It is preservative-free.
Check out our Sinkhole Gin & Matcha & Tonic recipe here


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